History Kazanlak

History Kazanlak
The first settlement within the bounds of the city occurs in antiquity. Material culture of its inhabitants is attested as early Stone Age (Neolithic) - VI-V century BC In the IV-III century BC land upstream of Tunja come within the scope of the kingdom of the Thracian ruler Seuthes III and occupy an important place in the history of Thrace during the Hellenistic era. During the construction of the dam is Koprinka excavated and studied all the Thracian city of Seuthopolis

In the Middle Valley is the administrative center of Kransko people, which dominate the Bulgarian boyar Eltimir. From 1370 Kazanlak region was under Turkish rule.

In the first decades was a military fortress, but later developed over 50 craft - leather, copper, gold, homespun tailoring, shoe, cooperage, and of course, rose. Brought from India via Persia, Syria and Turkey, rose oil is all favorable conditions for flourishing - temperature, humidity and light sandy soils cinnamon. In 1820 in Kazanlak into the first house rozotargovska Doncho Papazov, in 1840 - by Kancho Shipkov (or Shishkov?), In 1863 - Petko Orozov (or Orozev?), And in 1864 - Hristo Hristov. From the eighteenth century became the center of Kazanlak Bulgarian rose. Kazanlak rose oil won gold medals at expositions in Paris, London, Philadelphia, Antwerp, Ural region, Milan.

During the Russo-Turkish War in 1877-1878 Kazanlak region became a center of military operations.

After the liberation developed textile industry. Today's joint-stock company "Rose Valley" was founded as a spinning mill back in 1890 by brothers Stainovi. Better market position gain aircraft industry (factory, "Caproni") and the military industry (factory "Arsenal" - 1924).

After World War II Kazanlak occupies an important place in the economy. To develop the hydraulics and pneumatics, arms production, food processing, textile industry, aromatic plants, perfumery, cosmetics and others.

Kazanlak has established traditions and cultural and educational terms. In 1836 Neophyte Bozveli introduced the mutual teaching method, in 1860 into the first community center in 1873 - center "Iskra". In 1883 opened Kazanlak school teacher who creates an army of well trained teachers throughout the country. Kazanlak is also known as city of the 100 artists and dozens of artists with established names nationwide - Porphyry Velkov Mara Penkova, Todor Mazarov, Stefan Getsov, David Luna, Lubomir Kabakchiev, Vidin Daskalov and others.

Kazanlak is located in the picturesque Rose Valley at the foot of Stara Planina. Here is the natural geographical center of Bulgaria, where the cross roads of national and international tourism.

The nature of this region has combined beauty and grandeur of the mountain with the fertility of the valley of the river Tunja.

Warm mineral springs in Pavel Banya village and Ovoshtnik Yagoda make the region more attractive and promote it as an important domestic and international tourism.

Climatic and soil conditions here are favorable for the cultivation of rose oil, peppermint, lavender, basil, marigold. Thus, the geographic center of Bulgaria is becoming a center for essential oil production. A Kazanlak rose oil is one of the symbols with which people from different parts of the world associate the name of Bulgaria.
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak is arched brick tomb near Kazanlak in central Bulgaria. It is part of a large necropolis, situated near the ancient Thracian town Sevtopolis. Is dated to the 4th century BC. It is Bulgaria's only fully preserved monument of painting rannoelinistichnata epoch (IV-III century) - a masterpiece of the Thracian architecture. The tomb was excavated in 1944. There is a lobby, corridor and a dome. It is unique for its frescoes.

Included in the UNESCO list of historical and architectural monuments of global significance.
From all over Bulgaria Kazanlak only can see the unique existence of a place of cultural and historical monuments from different epochs - Kazanlak Thracian tomb from the end of IV and beginning of III century BC and a Turkish family tomb, built around 1420 . Kazanlak Thracian tomb was accidentally discovered in 1944, its worldwide popularity due to the remarkable murals in the hall and dome room - one of the best preserved works of ancient art from the early Hellenistic era. To be preserved for future generations paintings, the tomb was built around a special protective building with air conditioning, which maintains a constant temperature of about 20 degrees and humidity 60%. This tomb is unique in that only here and laid archaeologists discovered a female body, which is not typical for the Thracian culture and beliefs. Although in the past she has been robbed, researchers have found in it a hundred small gold buttons, a magnificent silver jug ​​and various decorative accessories for women.

"As architecture, it is small domed tomb, which consist of three parts - entrance hall, vestibule and burial chamber - explains Kosio Zarev, director of the museum in Kazanlak. - This is the tomb of the so-called third stage in the development of Thracian architecture. First Thracians tombs were built with stone slabs. In our area from this period in Buzovgrad Megalith, a very interesting monument, which studied this year. The second phase covers the period between the VIII century BC and the end of IV century BC, where the tombs are built with hewn stone. Found several tombs in the Kazanlak region. The third period in the development of Thracian architecture in the construction of tombs is associated with Hellenistic influence in Thrace. This is the beginning of III century BC, when Thracians abandoned stone block in the construction practice for the first time, two centuries before Rome, entered the brick building tombs. In the Kazanlak region has two such tombs - one Kran II, discovered in 1996 by Dr. Kitov and Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak. The Thracians also introduce mortar as construction bond. For plastering the walls they used marble dust with fine lime, thereby obtaining high strength characteristic of this construction techniques. "

Near the original was built copy of the tomb that is open to visitors. To move ahead in time and experience the Renaissance city, you should stroll along the romantic cobblestone street "Mirska", where the historical-ethnographic complex "tower". You can visit the old Luthier workshop and to see beneath the hands of hereditary masters are born stringed musical instruments and special accessories. Copper and production of oil Sharlanova walnuts are other traditional crafts of Kazanlak, which attract the interest of tourists. The complex have been restored and two houses. One of them shows the typical architecture of the period sub-Balkan villages. It was rebuilt home life of the rural family with traditional cuisine and soba (room) used for bedroom and living room. In the yard under the canopy are exposed to different primitive farm equipment to local people used to work the land. In Hadzhienyovata house even has an exposition, presenting the town of Kazanlak bit in the late nineteenth century. Kazanlak were wealthy merchants, since traveled throughout Europe and sold rose oil. In their travels around the world, they brought into their life and culture trends that ruled at that time in London, Vienna and Paris. In the yard under a big shed shows and primitive rose distillery where you can then advance to witness the digestion of the famous Bulgarian rose oil.

"We show the tourists how to produce rose oil in a traditional manner with rose still primitive, landing and everything that is characteristic of this tradition - says Mr. Zarev. - Also invite folk group that presents a special program to tourists. Finally, they are able to draw a rose jam, rose liqueur and spirits rose. "

One of the most visited tourist sites in the Kazanlak Rose Museum, which has no analogue in the world. Since its inception in 1969 until now he is visited by over 1 million tourists, most of whom are foreigners. The museum collected over 15,000 exhibits and shows 350-year history of the rose production in Bulgaria rose oil trade and the use of oil-bearing crops in modern life. And if you want to feel the smell of oil rose, the best time to visit the lovely and Kazanlak Rose Valley, is the end of May and early June, when it rose harvest. Then you can join and become the traditional Rose Festival, when locals organize festive processions in the streets and choose his Queen of Roses.

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