Pruning roses

Pruning roses

As a rule, the main pruning roses of all groups be performed early spring, after otgribvaneto and swelling of buds, but before the development of shoots.
Pruning of roses is an annual event and needed her way is determined by different groups of roses, which require different pruning depending on their biological characteristics and growth opportunities.
Pruning roses is in debt, where the branches remain long, and cut portions are small, medium - branches leaving 5-6 buds; short - leave only 2-3 buds of the branches.
Irrespective of the Rose group and type of pruning is necessary to observe the following general rules:
1. Pruning is always done to the outer bud 0.5 cm above it and the slope of the cutting back of the bud.
2. The length of the pruning depends on the manner of use of roses. In the long pruning to get more, but smaller and with shorter handles colors and vice versa, in short - large flowers with long stems.
3. As a branch is thicker, the longer cut and small - shorter.
4. When pruning to remove all branches shortened underdeveloped.
5. Remove old branches, a strong young branches are cut to 2-3 buds from which to develop future major arms of the bush.
6. of the same variety highly developed parts are cut longer and shorter weak.
7. Pruning is always done well sharpened and tight scissors. It holds so close to blade facing up, and wide cutting blades - down to the bud, which can be cut.
Shrub roses - These include both single-flowering garden roses, and a natural species. They produce flowers on shoots that have developed the previous summer. When pruning to remove all weak, immature and damaged branches from within the bush. Clean dry and frost tops of annual shoots. On older trees cut each year low of 10-15 cm in an aging branch. This causes the growth of strong new shoot through the bushes that rejuvenates. in some natural species have ornamental fruit clusters are left after flowering to produce fruits that are ornamental in the fall of the plantation. In spring pruning they cut the base of the handles fruitful.
Similarly, out for replacement and pruning of roses.
Poliantovi poliantovo and-roses - pruning when there is no significant difference between small-and large-flowered roses, poliantovo. Because of the heavy flowering of these roses creates color figures and "carpet" under which the soil is not visible. At the same bush can apply moderate pruning 3-5 buds for a very short pruning flowers and buds of 2-3 to obtain new, rejuvenating branches. The general rule for pruning the bushes under power is required here - the stronger plants are cut longer and weaker shorter. This group rose quickly formed branches of the second and third order and form all colors. Summer pruning to remove branches pretsaftelite be carried out periodically. Most of the cold tolerance and poliantovite poliantovo-roses spring pruning allows to perform soon.
Tea-roses - This group of roses colors formed on the branches first, votir and third row, which makes continuous blooms throughout the growing season with small breaks of 15-20 days. Varieties have different effect on growth that requires pruning categories to - long, medium and short. Different pruning can be used on plants of the same variety depending on the purpose - shrubs to bloom for decoration in the garden or are receiving the cut flowers. When pruning of roses for cut flowers are left short branches with 2-3 buds, for ornamental pruning is done average of 4-5 buds. pruning in spring to remove all weak and thickened twigs. Depending on the strength of the bush is left up to 4-8 main branches and shrubs strengths leave more buds on each branch, and the poor less. in this group rose earlier and more quickly develop visokostoyashtite buds, and later - lying in the bottom of the main branches. On the basis of this rule pruning can be conducted so as to extend the flowering period beginning with the same variety, and thus in the extension of tsvetoobrazuvaneto throughout the growing season, without mezhdutsaftezhni intervals. In many chayno-hybrids during the first flowering of the founders of new branches shoot out, which are rapidly evolving, reaching the height of the bush and begin to bloom when the first flowers of the shrub seed. When cutting the flowers of these long branches should be borne in mind that they can be left as the main arms for the next year.
Floribunda - Rose This group occupies a middle position between poliantovo chayno-hybrid-hybrid. Trimming of bushes on the weak, sick, and dense branches is required. Depending on the strength of the main plant for leaving 3 to 6 branches. Older branches are cut at the base, if the younger branches. This group has developed a powerful varieties shrubs, both chayno-hybrid, and low, as in poliantovite. Therefore, pruning is a powerful medium and short plants for the weak. They form the many colors of a flowering branch - from 4-5 to 10 and more. Branches from the second and third row also form colors. Pruning of branches pretsaftelite accelerates the formation of the following colors.
Are drawn and climbing roses - they are united by a common sign owed an arm, but matte very different biological characteristics. Retsina in spring clean weak, sick and immature branches. Depending on what form will give the bush, and made major pruning. When the branch will be maintained at a height of 2-3 m and more, all from the bottom branches are removed to form a powerful stem, which brings outer branches. Such branches are lifted high above the ground on a terrace or pergola. If not attracted Rose develops a fence or a wall closes, then the number of main branches is determined depending on the area that is covered. In this case, periodically cut from the base oldest branches that are redundant and leave the young to maintain the bush.
Moving roses growing on the soil surface when pruning is left with many major branches shoulders, cleaned and dried immature weak branches are periodically cut off from the base to rejuvenate aging branch of the bush.
According to biology attracted and creeping roses are divided into three groups:
- Blooming once: Hybrids derived from R. wichuriana, R. multiflora. they form a few meters long branches for one growing season. their colors are formed on one-year branch. Pruning consists in cleansing the weak and withered branches and low cut tops of branches. Formed after flowering fruit is removed.
- Re-blooming: Flowers are formed on last year's branches. Besides cleaning the weak and withered branches in significantly shortened and outer branches. Flowering shoots after the first blooms are necessarily cut to form the second color.
- Edrotsaftyashti drawn to roses: Most of them are mutations of the tea-hybrid varieties and the group of Cordes. In spring pruning should be cleaned and dried immature branches. Slightly reduce the peaks of last year's branches. After flowering must be cleaned and colored handles, depending on the type of flower - one or many colors of the handle - is cut less or more.
* High-roses: Total group rose only high stem formed by backing hips. Flowering part may be tea or poliantov hybrid floribunda rose or miniature. Depending on spring pruning is carried out according to the requirements for the group rose. Cleaning of the weak and withered branches and thinning of the crown is required. Periodically cut aging tends to keep the crown in good condition.
* Miniature roses: Characterized by small, densely branched shrubs or small your colors. In spring pruning is done cleaning the internal compressed twigs for the enlightenment of the shrub and remove withered and diseased branches. Depending on the strength and growth of the bush is made long or short pruning - in varieties with low and medium shrubs developed short pruning is done. Each year normal branch cut above the third bud, and weaker branches are cut above the second bud. Varieties that have stronger growth and higher long bushes pruning is done. Depending on the strength of individual shoots are cut above the fourth or fifth spot.
Miniature roses are razmnozhatat easily by cuttings. At the same time receiving the buds for grafting is a bit difficult for them because of the special growth of branches. Therefore, all cropped spring pruning in the concrete to be utilized for breeding.

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