Bulgaria Rose

There is reason to believe that one of the famous roses among the Greeks and Romans is the famous Rosa gallica. In our country it is grown in backyard garden for more than 300 years. In the late nineteenth, early twentieth century it has enjoyed the majority of the planting of rose oil in Bulgaria and is known as the Kazanlak Rose. Rose oil from it is considered the most perfect natural flavoring. Because of its high quality Bulgarian Rose Oil and is now sought by the parties with a strong perfume industry. In 1870-1875, the European market to sell about 1650 kg of rose oil. Of these, 850 kilograms - more than half from the valley of Kazanlak, not for nothing called the Valley of Roses. By 1890 oil was labors in Muscat (the original - miskal) - old Arabic measure the capacity of rose oil, which weighed 4.810, the statistics are then recorded in pounds.

Once upon a time, at a time that no one remembers, in a distant country called Persia, ruled a powerful chess. His beloved wife died, but before that it donated to his greatest wealth - the lovely daughter, who of all the world's most loved father and to care for its vast rose garden. After a glorious battle Shah decided to celebrate his triumph in a grandiose way. He wanted to build a mosque with a minaret so high that the tip is visible throughout the rose garden. None of the masters in his kingdom was not decided at this daring deed, because the ruler's wrath was terrible. Only a young stranger from Bulgaria decided to try his luck. He started the big construction, but felt that his forces reduced. The very first day erected a high wall, which is found overlooking the garden and the scent of roses reached him. This gave him unbelievable strength and continued to put one stone throughout the night. When the morning sun rose, the young man with his eyes covered the whole garden in the middle saw the beautiful daughter of the Shah, which was picking pink and soft singing.
Then the lad went more vigor their case because they already knew what reward will ask the ruler. Daring bricklayer and not escaped the eyes of the girl, and always remained in her heart On the third day the mosque was finished and time for the prize. But when the boy asked the hand of the beautiful girl chess mad with rage and threw the young man in prison. But the ruler's daughter no longer recognizes the will of his father. At night, she freed the boy and ran away together to his country. A souvenir from home she took a rose bush. The road, however, proved difficult for the fragile girl and forces her away. Then she gave the young man rose bush and told him to wait in at home, in memory of their love and then died. Broken young man returned to Bulgaria and sown regal plant in a beautiful valley in the heart of the country.


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