History of Bulgaria and the Rose

Damask rose - Rosa damascena mill. f.trigintipetala, was brought to Bulgaria from India via Persia, Syria and Turkey. In the valley, situated between the Balkan and Central forest, she found her second home. Kazanlak Valley Rose Valley adopted the name. On May 21, 1837 German Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke would say: "Kashmir is the European Kazanlak, gyulestan Turkey - the land of roses." exposure

Rose harvest lasts about a month - from 20 May to 20 June, but depends on the weather of spring. Performed early in the morning from 5 am to 9-10 pm The technology that underlies the production of the famous rose oil is a double distillation. More primitive way of loading one still needed 15 kilograms Pink and 60 l pure water. The process is laborious - 1 kg of rose oil is obtained from 3000 kg pink, and 1 g - 1000 Pink. Its price in the international market is about $ 4,000 per kilogram. Bulgarian rose oil is the highest quality in the world - without competitors. All the world famous perfume companies use it in their recipes for two qualities - the perfume gives great durability and especially pleasant aroma. It is an essential ingredient for developing European cosmetics since 1720 and is spread by ship to Constantinople in Marseille, London and New York, a horse-caravans in Bucharest to Vienna, Paris and Berlin. In 1820 Doncho Papazov from Kazanlak created the first Bulgarian rozotargovska house. His sons Dimitar and Botyo expand. Here rozotargovskite houses Shipkov Kancho (1840), Hristo Hristov (1863) and Petko Orozov (1864).
Bulgarian rose oil won gold medals at world exhibitions in Vienna (1873), Paris (1875), Philadelphia (1876), Chicago (1893) and others. In 1967 the museum opened to the Kazanlak Rose, which in 1969 grew into a single character in the Rose Museum. With rich material, photographic and documentary material is followed 330 years of history of the Bulgarian rose. Below are still original containers for the production of rose oil - said: storage and export - konkumi, bottles, boxes, devices for separating oil from rose pink water templates rozotargovski houses, original photos and documents rozotargovski families and others.
In the courtyard of the Museum of the Rose was restored primitive rose distillery, which in May - June is acting.
Tourists have the opportunity to purchase pink, lavender and peppermint oil products of different oil rose, rose liqueur, rose brandy and souvenirs related to lifestyle and culture of rozoproizvoditelite.
Annually, every first weekend of June in Kazanlak organize traditional Rose Festival, which offers visitors unforgettable memories associated with beauty, joy and hospitality of the Bulgarians.



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