

Shiatsu is an old, traditional, Japanese healing method. Shiatsu means “finger pressure.” But unlike the massages of the West, where kneading and friction is used, in shiatsu pressure and stretching is the key. The shiatsu practitioner uses palms,
fingers, thumbs, knuckles, elbows, knees and the feet, to work on the body’s acupuncture points, along what they consider the body’s meridians or energy channels. It’s a form of “touch communication,” and is a safe and effective preventive medicine. It helps to balance person energy flow, and strengthen the vital organs.
In shiatsu, it is believed that disease is the result of blocked or unbalanced energy, so that it’s either depleted or over-active. Shiatsu shares the same view as Chinese acupuncture. There are two energy forces, the Yin, or negative, and the Yang, or positive. Basically, the human body is looked upon as a microcosm of the universe, the meridians vital organs are seen as governed by Five Elements and by Yin and Yang. They believe that in a healthy person no element is dominant or deficient in relation to the other. Blocked or unbalanced energy allows disease to take over.ROSESSCENT.COM
A shiatsu practitioner asks the patient to lie on a mat on the floor, while wearing loose, natural fiber clothing. He or she will then use his hands, elbows, knees, and feet to work on balancing your meridian. He applies pressure to appropriate points to correct the injuries or imbalances. Through touch, two way communication greatly benefits the patient. Shiatsu works on the whole being, from the physical to the spiritual, so during and after the treatment a patient may experience a variety of reactions-crying, laughing, joy, stillness. These reactions are a sign that the body is breaking through old energy patterns.
Shiatsu treatments are given for a variety of ailments, from respiratory problems, to digestive problems, to headaches and leg cramps, and can bring relief to a number of everyday disorders. And today, shiatsu is gaining popularity in the West, and is practiced in America and Europe.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage is the prenatal use of massage therapy to support the physiologic, structural, and emotional well-being of both mother and fetus. Various forms of massage therapy, including Swedish, deep tissue, neuromuscular, movement, and Oriental-based therapies, may be applied throughout pregnancy as well as during labor and the postpartum period.

-----The Benefits of Massage During Pregnancy
During pregnancy a woman's body undergoes many changes, some of them stressful and uncomfortable. Massage is a perfect way to reduce stress and promote general well-being.
• Massage helps mom's body to eliminate waste products through the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which combats fatigue and helps the mother feel more energetic.
• By aiding circulation, massage eases the load on mom's heart and helps to keep her blood pressure in check.
• Muscular discomforts, such as cramping, tightening, stiffness, tension, and knots, can all be alleviated.
• Massage helps carry away the lactic acid and other cellular waste products that build up and cause muscle fatigue.
• Massage can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes mom is experiencing.
• Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts during pregnancy, such as backaches, a stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches, edema, and sore, swollen ankles and feet.
• Massage increases local and general blood circulation, which brings more oxygen and nutrients to the cells of both the mother and fetus. This means greater vitality and less fatigue for mom and better nourishment for her baby.
• Massage stimulates glandular secretions, which helps stabilize hormone levels.
• Massage can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes mom is experiencing.
• It relaxes tense muscles and tones loose muscles, and can also increase muscular flexibility. Flexibility will be most helpful during the last trimester and during the birth itself.
• Massage helps to soothe and relax nervous tension, which helps the mother sleep more easily and more deeply. Incidentally, doctors all agree that a relaxed mother will have a happier, healthier pregnancy and possibly an easier childbirth experience, too.
• Massage can be used during the birth to make it easier and more comfortable for mom, and after the birth as well, to help her regain her strength more quickly and ease postpartum stress.
Of course, there are many emotional benefits of a massage besides just the physical benefits. When you put your hands on your partner's body, you're also touching her emotions and state of mind. Not only is a massage relaxing, comforting and healing, it is also an expression of love and caring. The intimate nature of touch has the additional advantage of bringing two people closer together
are accumulations of waste products around a nerve receptor. Often times they feel like nodules or taut bands of fibers within the soft tissues. Trigger points form in muscles which have been overused or injured due to an accident or surgery.
Common characteristics are increased muscle tension and muscle shortening. Increased muscle tension is the primary side-effect of trigger points and pain is the most common secondary effect. Trigger points can present themselves as referred patterns of sensation such as sharp pain, dull ache, tingling, pins and needles, hot or cold, as well as can create symptoms such as nausea, ear ache, equilibrium disturbance, or blurred vision.
Trigger points can exist in two states, either active or latent. Active trigger points are those which cause discomfort. Latent trigger points wait silently in the muscle for a future stress to activate them. Aches and pains which began in the past become more frequent and severe in intensity as we age. It is common to attribute this discomfort to arthritis instead of our tight muscles which harbor trigger points.
Trigger points are not visible with traditional medical testing such as MRI or X-ray. 80 % of the trigger point locations are common with acupuncture treatment locations. When trigger points are not treated, they will create satellite trigger points in the affected area. For instance, a trigger point in the trapezius may cause a trigger point to appear in the temple. The trigger point in the temple then may cause a trigger point to appear in the jaw.
To diffuse a trigger point, static compression (pressure) is applied for 10 seconds, released, then pressure applied for 10 more seconds in a pumping action while the client breathes deeply. This action flushes the toxins and calms the nerves releasing trigger points releases endorphins so the result is elimination of discomfort as well as being energized.
Trigger point massage is not a relaxing, "fluff and buff" technique. It requires the participation of the client to communicate the presence and intensity of pain and discomfort. The therapist and client work together as a team to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is common to find great improvement after one treatment. Repeated treatment may be necessary for those with chronic trigger points. Stretching should be done as "home work" to encourage the muscles that have been treated to stay in a lengthened position.
Trigger point research lists nutritional deficiencies or inadequacies as "perpetuating factors." A good multi-vitamin supplement that is high in anti-oxidants and is in an encapsulated form can help ensure that once treated, trigger points do not reform. Robb* recommends Twinlab’s MaxiLife or for those over 40, MaxiLife CoQ10
formula to be taken: one capsule up to four times per day, since the water-soluble nutrients which are critical to normal muscle function (e.g. Vitamin C and B-Complex) can only stay at a peak level in the blood stream from 4 to 6 hours. Trigger Point Therapy is a subset of neuromuscular therapy which examines and treats muscles and muscle attachments in layers from superficial to deep, ligaments and connective tissues. More about neuromuscular therapy will be presented in future article.
Acupressure massage
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method that involves applying pressure to certain meridian points on the body to relieve pain. The human body has fourteen "meridians" that carry energy throughout the body. These meridians start at the fingertips, connect to the brain, and then connect to the organ associated with the specific meridian. Acupuncture and Acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture uses needles, while Acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands. There is a massive amount of scientific data that demonstrates why and how acupuncture is effective. Acupressure is the most effective method for self-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand. Acupressure deals with all the aspects of a person as a whole: body, emotions, mind, and spirit as one, not as separate parts. It relaxes muscular tension and balances the vital life forces of the body.
---Common Benefits: • Relieve stress and tension • Relax mind and body • Increase blood circulation • Aid in the removal of toxic wastes • Provide relief from head, neck and shoulder aches • Promote the healing of injuries • Increase energy levels • Increase overall feeling of well-being • Decreasing labor pains Acupressure uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body's
life force to aid healing. Acupressure can be effective in helping relieve headaches, eyestrain, sinus problems, neck pain, backaches, arthritis, muscle aches, and tension due to stress. There are also great advantages to using Acupressure as a way to balance the body and maintain good health. The healing touch of acupressure reduces tension, increases circulation, and enables the body to relax deeply. By relieving stress, acupressure strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness. Acupressure focuses on relieving pain and discomfort as well as on responding to tension before it develops into a "disease," that is, before the constrictions and imbalances can do further damage. By using a combination of self-help methods, you can improve your condition as well as feel more alive, healthy, and in harmony with your life. This treatment involves stimulating the vital-energy points along the meridians on our body to effect maximum energy flow. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are over 800 vital energy points along the meridians that run from the head down to the heels, especially along either side of the spinal column. (The meridians connect the interior and exterior of the body). Every point has specific therapeutic effects on the related organ. By massaging these points, the corresponding body area receives specific therapeutic treatment. It can be used to treat internal organ diseases, relieve internal discomfort, and relax yourself; or to promote overall well-being of the body. Western scientists have shown that many of these points are located at key crossways of the autonomic nervous system. This may explain in part why they can affect pain that the patient experiences in a part of the body far from where the pressure is applied.
Thai Massage
Thai Massage has its origins deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy. It is still taught and practiced today at many Buddhist temples throughout Thailand.
In modern day Thailand, many of the Thais include Traditional Thai Massage as an essential part of their monthly routine. This is because Thai massage is used essentially as a form of maintenance to prevent pain, rather than as a means of curing it, even though expert Thai practitioners are able to treat chronic pain of all kinds.
The Thais claim that regular Thai massage, as a result of the improved circulation it induces, can slow down the aging process, especially the wrinkling of skin on different parts of the body. Receivers of Thai massage experience relaxation throughout the body and absolute tranquility of the mind, some clients even, during the longer sessions, fall asleep at the end of which they are awake alert and refreshed.
Improved blood and lymph circulation.
The mind can be stimulated to a naturally mild euphoric state.
The body receives more oxygen and nutrients and the immune system becomes more efficient in fending off disease agents thus lessening the chances of becoming ill.
Muscles are helped to rid themselves of toxic chemicals.
Stiffness and pain is prevented.
Good muscle tone is preserved.
Flexibility is improved.
Internal organs are stimulated to function to best capacity.
Improvement occurs in digestion, absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste.

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