Legends rose

Roman legends explain the origin of the rose and the red color with its goddesses Diana and Venus. Diana, goddess of hunting and the moon had a priestess named Rozalia. Rosalia decided to marry young and leave Semedor goddess. Diana, enraged by the falsity of his priestess, her pierced by an arrow. From previous blood grown shrubs with fragrant white flowers. They were called roses, the name of Rosalia. The roses were colored red with the blood of the goddess Venus, which ubola of the bush, as we ran from the angry husband - Mars. Legend of Persia tells the origin of rose oil. Discovery happened by accident of Princess Nur Cihan, who loved to bathe in warm rose water. Once she noticed that the channels through which expires warm rose water, swim oily. Great was her surprise when, bringing these oily, I realized that this is a natural rose oil. Strong and durable, it smelled foul rose oil named in honor of her husband, Cihan dumbbells.


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