
BACKGROUND. For thousands of years massage or touch hands are used to treat or alleviate the patient. The oldest written records of massage have been found in Egypt. In the papyrus of Ebers (5000 BC) massage has been identified as one means to treat and eliminate pain. In VI century in China was established the first university medical school in the world and one of the subjects taught was the massage. For the ancient Greek and Roman physicians massage was also one of the main means of treatment. The famous Roman naturalist Pliny was rubbing on a regular basis to relieve his asthma, and epilepsy Julius Caesar had made daily whole body massage. In the Middle Ages massage is little known in Europe but in the 16th century, its application is resumed, thanks to a French doctor Ambroise burning. In the early 19th century Swedish physician Henrik Ling developed the first modern massage, known today as "Swedish massage" - a combination of Chinese, Egyptian, Greek and Roman massage techniques. In 1813 in Stockholm opened its first establishment in which massage is included as a separate discipline, then begins to be applied in different hospitals across the continent. Today, the therapeutic value of massage has been recognized again and it applies widely across the world.

IMPACT. Massage has a good effect on physical and mental condition of the body. Improves blood circulation, limfotoka and nutrition of skin cells. It relaxes and tones muscles, helps eliminate toxins and accumulated body fat. Massage well affect the flexibility of joints and internal organs. It keeps the skin supple and is essential for good appearance by slowing the formation of wrinkles, graying hair, the granting of the muscles, etc.. This is a relaxing therapy that strengthens the immune system, increases the overall level of energy in the body and act prophylactically in many diseases. Massage stimulates the ability to concentrate and positive thinking. It is a wonderful and pleasant way to combat depression, stress and melancholy. Tension and pain, it creates an unforgettable feeling of cheerfulness and ease.

Massages. The world have known for more than 100 types of massage therapies. Among the most popular in Bulgaria are classic massage, shiatsu, massage Saionji, reflexology, aromatherapy massage.

Classical massage (also known as the Swedish massage) includes long caress movements, shock, friction, kneading, tapping and more. It is effective for most problems, since as processing the largest human organ - skin, triggers a chain reaction that has a positive effect on all systems - nerves, muscles, glands and circulation. Suitable for stress and nervous tension, muscle and joint pain, back pain, tired legs, mental fatigue, circulation sluggishly and many others.

Shiatsu is the Japanese millennial system to redress the balance of vital energy in the meridians, which consists in exerting pressure on biologically active points using fingers, arms, hands, elbows, knees and sometimes feet. Suitable for many problems - indigestion, menstrual pain, sciatica, back pain, back, upper and lower limbs, regulates the energy of the liver, soothes the mind and emotions and others.

In Reflexology use special techniques for massaging small areas on the feet and hands. At each step allege 35,000 nerve endings. As each body part has a corresponding reflex point on the leg by handling it, we stimulate the flow of energy in the body. Thus affects the whole body. Convenient technique samomasazh.

In Aromatherapy massages with over 40 kinds of essential oils dissolved in oils of coconut, sesame, cocoa, shea, jojoba, avocado, almond, etc.. Will enjoy the pleasure long after its completion. Scents reduce stress and tension, refresh and strengthen your body, soothe emotions affect your mood, rejuvenate. Selected by the aroma oils are absorbed through the skin and cause physiological changes. For more information see aromatherapy.

MASSAGE of honey is an ancient remedy for cleansing the human body. Through the influence of the tissues in the depth of them through the pores of the skin are extracted the accumulated waste products for years. Implemented only on the back, honey massage has a strong tonic and imunoukrepvashto by restoring the natural ability of body to samoosvobozhdava of poisons. It is especially useful in multiple diseases typical of civilization, the reason for that is the accumulation of toxins. Such as the diseases affecting the cardiovascular, nervous, immune, reproductive system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin and others. Has an effect on allergies, depression, insomnia, anorexia, ulcers, migraines, rheumatism, anemia, blemished skin, open wounds, burns and others. Healing power of honey is known four thousand years ago. It contains vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and enzymes for digestion lose some of its qualities, but is fully absorbed in direct rubbing. Not applicable for allergies to honey.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Massages are not made in the following cases: fever, acute infectious diseases, suppurative processes in the body, flu, tonsillitis, enlarged lymph nodes, cancer, tuberculosis, bleeding and bleeding, mental agitation, severe fatigue and exhaustion.

100% natural therapies. All treatments are carried out with 100% natural products - honey, vegetable and essential oils makes them suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Oils do not contain preservatives, coloring agents, perfumes, emulsifiers and other synthetic ingredients. Vegetable oils used for massage are:

Jojoba - a desert plant, a liquid wax, mimicking collagen, rich in vitamins for soft, smooth and hydrated skin, protects against environmental influences, SPF, eczema, sores, spots, psoriasis, burns, wrinkles and allergies.

Sesame - derived toxins, retain moisture for aging and dry skin, eczema, sun protection factor, mainly oil in Ayurveda.

Soy - light oil suitable for dry, dirty and dehydrated, makes the skin supple, antioxidant, wrinkles, regenerating effect pigmentation.

Saflorovo - contains rare forms of vitamin F, a high humectant capacity for supple skin without wrinkles, soothes and softens.

Coconut - wounds and inflammation makes the skin velvet deleted small wrinkles and nourish skin, sun protection factor.

Grape seed - light oil suitable for oily skin, improves skin elasticity, antioxidant, tightens pores without being closed.

Almond - is beneficial to metabolism, contains many vitamins and minerals, nourishes the skin and hair, suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Olive - prevents aging and dry skin and formation of wrinkles, wounds, itchy, irritated skin.

Shea / Shea / - hydrates, protects from environmental protection and sun divine oil for softening, smoothing the skin, improves microcirculation in the skin, wounds, scars, renewal of cells.

Avocado - restore lipid balance of the skin and helps in the synthesis of collagen links softens, moisturizes the skin, vitamin cocktail, cellulite.

Wheat Germ - one of the fatty oil, very good for very dry skin, improves metabolism and alleviates the process of disposal of harmful substances from the body and skin, protects cells from toxic free radicals.

Macadamia - rich and nutritious, makes skin silky soft. Very useful for mature and aging skin. Has a protective function. Not greasy, easily absorbed into the skin, known as "disappearing" oil.

Hazelnut oil - rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Absorbs quickly, nourishes and softens all skin types, tones and tightens the skin and capillaries, restores elasticity, renews cells. Suitable for oily and combination skin, acne, stretch marks.

All massages are conducted against a background of relaxing natural sounds fascinating chants from India and Tibet and fabulous tunes from around the world.



Fragrances soothe, stimulate and fascinate us. They act on the body, soul and senses and bring harmony and sensuality in our lives. Despite his background only five thousand in the last 20-30 years "aromatherapy" takes her rightful place through the revival of the ancient and powerful combination of essential oils and massage. Ancient civilizations used the aromatic oils in religious ceremonies and for healing. In Egypt have used cedar and myrrh for embalming. Egyptians used perfumes and spiritual enlightenment. In China the use of herbs and aromatic substances in medicine has been documented in texts dating back 2000 years BC. Ancient Indian science of natural medicine Ayurveda oils and blends used in the last 6 centuries. Add to Cleopatra donkey milk bath with a mixture of flavors to keep your skin young and beautiful and bewitching scent of men with Rose.
What exactly are essential oils? Essential oil is what gives the smell of pink or rosemary twig. Constitutes a form of liquid droplets or sakcheta in plants. Molecular structure of essential oils like those of human hormones and this explains their strong impact on the human body. The use of essential oils is a science and izkustvo.Tezi oils are not greasy and are actually very volatile ie evaporate quickly. Each essential oil has different properties and opportunities for impact. Some quiet, some toning. Their intoxicating scents are a source of real pleasure and enjoyment. They make us feel better internally. Next time when you are sad or angry, give a pleasant feeling that comes the scent of a fragrant flowers or essential oil alone and you will see in the simple power of aromatherapy.

It is a miracle that such a pleasant and effective treatment, as the ancient Egyptian pyramids has remained hidden and unnamed for nearly 5000 years. This represents a holistic approach that does not use toxic or strong drugs, and therefore no adverse side effects. Aromatherapy is a careful manual therapy designed to reduce the effects of stress and to restore the imbalance between mind, body and soul. Aromatherapy works in parallel with the forces of nature, not against them - so it is able to lead to genuine healing and in no case is some form of medicine that suppresses the symptoms. Essential oils are dynamic in many ways. They enter the body, are taking their action and leave it in an easy and casual way. Although not remain in the body more than 3-4 hours, they unlock the healing process that can last for days or weeks. They act at several levels simultaneously, by influencing the authorities, functions, cells and fine energy. It turns out the overall impact on the body rather than treat individual disease, is attacking the causes rather than symptoms and often stops the development of the disease in her fetus, ie aromatherapy is preventive.

Due to the holistic nature of aromatherapy in a sense is not so important what you are complaining about - just like aromatherapy can help. Aromatherapy has a significant effect in common disorders associated with stress, PMS, depression, insomnia, pain, digestive disorders, infections, migraines, skin problems. Has an effect both in acute and chronic diseases. Aromatherapy is used in children but requires caution in children under 5 years of age. Aromatherapy is very effective during pregnancy and the postpartum period, although here and deserve further attention. All oils are antiseptic and protect against bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, allergens and toxins. They strengthen the immune system, facilitate the healing of broken bones, wounds and burns. Some oils dissolve gallstones, and other help for easy and painless birth, others enhance memory, the fourth drive away sadness, etc. They are the ideal weapon to combat the spread of internally transmitted infections.

Essential oils are extremely versatile degree and can serve different purposes. They are fully used in cosmetic treatment, such as fragrances, enhancing mood, to flavor foods and tobacco, the manufacture of perfumes and more. Essential oils are synergistic - they act in harmony. Very important rule is the blending of two to five oils, since the effects of the mixture is tens times more than the constituent essences.

Unfortunately, the term aromatherapy is often misused to increase the sales of any products, shower gels, soaps, lotions, creams, detergent, candles. The fact that they contain essential oils, does not mean that bring real benefits of aromatherapy. These products always contain synthetic ingredients and essences, which blocks the action of the oils and aromatherapy practice inscription of such products does not mean anything. Aromatherapy products are made only from natural ingredients.


Among the many therapies that are now used in practice, aromatherapy appears to be unique in one respect. It is only where funds are combined successfully with therapy based on direct contact with the body. Aromatherapy for both aspects are equally important, while other forms of therapeutics focus on one of them. Massage can be done without essential oils and essential oils can be applied without massage. But the combination of massage and aromatherapy essential oils made very specific and efficient. This combination is common in ancient civilizations and represent a significant part of medical practice for nearly 4000 years. Millennium ago, this practice is experiencing decline to revive over 50 years of the twentieth century.

In practice, aromatherapy is carried out in various ways. In clinical aromatherapy are possible inhalation, compresses and baths. Inhalation is the optimal method for direct introduction into the lungs and sinuses, while affects the nervous system through the sense of smell. Compresses and baths are used in some skin diseases such as psoriasis, where massage is impossible. Oils are particularly valuable for local infections. Applied to the skin they are able to penetrate directly to the outbreak of the infection. The adoption of the oils in the mouth is not recommended, especially since oral administration and body massage delivered to the body almost the same amount of essential oils in the blood channel.

For preparation of aromatherapy products are observed given below instructions. Always start with low concentrations. Remember that one drop of oil equivalent to 30 g dry herb. Do not use oils with no information.
· MASSAGE - put 15-25 drops of essential oil to 50 ml of vegetable oil. Appropriate mix for massages, pain or just pampering the skin.
· BATH - One of the nicest ways to use oils. Just before entering the tub put 3-5 drops of chosen essential oil, stir and enjoy. After the bath not shower with shower gel or soap. The skin will retain the scent like you used an expensive perfume. Appropriate method for stress sluggishly circulation, skin problems.
· Baths legs - with tired legs, fungi and colds put 3-4 drops of suitable oil in bowl with hot water and soak feet.
· AROMALAMPA - Apply 5-10 drops in warm water and let flavored white candle burning 30-60 minutes, thus attacking viruses and germs in the room and the smell is much more pleasant than synthetic fragrance.
· Inhalation - in hot but not boiling water, put 2-3 drops of selected oils and breathe 10 minutes with closed eyes. Appropriate method for colds, fever, respiratory problems. Steam inhalations are not suitable for asthmatics.
· SPRAY - 10 ml in water put 10-15 drops and spray the room and keep eyes. Suitable for freshening the air in hotel rooms and other places do not have a lamp.
· Gargle / gargle with Arcol - patients teeth and gums, bad breath, pharyngitis, etc.. Put 1 drop in 100 ml of water and make a gargle or zhaburete until the water is over. Water is not swallowed.
· Handkerchiefs - Apply 1-2 drops of pure unflavoured handkerchief, place close to your nose and inhale. Suitable for use when you're out or not available aromalampa.
· DIRECT Inhalation - Inhalation straight from the bottle. Suitable for use when you're out or you do not have aromalampa. Suitable for asthmatics at risk of attack.
- Compression - into the bowl pour hot water, add 1-2 drops of oil, stir and dip the cloth compression so as to absorb the oil layer. Suitable for skin problems, fever.


- Buy only well-preserved oils from a reliable source labeled "100% natural essential oils. Do not buy synthetic flavoring or perfume oils! Furthermore, they have no therapeutic effect they can cause allergies, headaches, irritability and more.
- After the expiry date. Once opened, use within one year.
- Essential oils are always diluted, in pure form because their concentration is very strong.
- Remember that 1 drop of essential oil equals 30 grams dry herb
- Avoid contact with eyes. For conjunctivitis and other eye problems can only use hidrozoli
- For making massage oils, body lotions, creams - the number of drops of essential oil should be half the capacity of the bottle in milliliters. For example, in 50 ml of vegetable oil are placed no more than 15-25 drops of essential oil.
- In general aromalampa Pipette 5-10 drops essential oil. Steam inhalation is not applicable in asthmatics.
- Baths - add to water 3-5 drops of essential oil and mix. For sensitive skin carefully selected oils and start with small doses.
- It is recommended to use perfumes, deodorants and other synthetic perfumes on the day of treatment.
- Do not flush oils after the massage. They will continue to operate, and will nourish the skin.
- Do not expose to sun after massage with citrus oils. Can occur
- Be selective oil whose flavor you like. They will have greater therapeutic effect than those perceived as unpleasant.
- For children up to 5 years must consult
- Keep oils out of reach of children
- Oils shall not be taken internally
- Oils of cinnamon and cloves should not come into contact with skin. For sensitive skin be careful with the oils of basil, mint, rosemary, geranium, fennel, bergamot.
- If pregnancy does not use oils of basil, fennel, cypress, marjoram, sage sklareya, cedar, rosemary, clove, cinnamon, thyme, juniper, lemon balm, mint, rose, chamomile, hyssop, curcuma and others. Mandatory counseling.
- If you must do an allergy test before use. Put one drop of oil to the fold of the elbow and watch the reaction 24 hours. If the site is red or begins to Serbs, you have an allergy to this oil and it is not appropriate for you. Place a little vegetable oil on a cotton swab and wipe the butter.
- The basic rule in aromatherapy is to combine up to 5 oils (synergy). So their action is reinforced repeatedly.


Essential oils have the ability to speed up excretion of waste and dead cells and regeneration of new healthy cells. This is the main reason for their reputation as rejuvenating agents. They contain phytohormones influence well as the dry and the oily skin, leading to remarkable tightness of the skin, stimulate metabolism. Essential oils are effective for bacteria, fungus, sores, wounds, and others. Diluted with suitable vegetable oils of jojoba, almond, sesame, trucks and more. products can be used in place day and night cream for face cleaning, body lotion, nourishing facial masks and hair. Hidrozolite are ideal for cleaning the person instead of tonic and refreshing spray for body and face. Aromatherapy products are 100% natural - they do not contain paraffin, mineral oil, preservatives, dyes, perfumes, stabilizers, emulsifiers. Your skin will need.

To nourish dry skin Use - rose, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, petigren.
To regulate oily skin - lavender, geranium, lemon, cedar, juniper, bergamot, rosemary
To maintain normal and combination skin - Sage sklareya, jasmine, Nero, lavender, bergamot, rose, chamomile, geranium
The regeneration of skin cells - lavender, Nero, rose
To hydrate your skin - sklareya sage, geranium, sandalwood
For fresh tan - chamomile, basil, sandalwood, grapefruit
To soothe irritated or sensitive skin - chamomile, rose, sage sklareya, Nero
For better tone - lavender, rosemary, juniper, sage sklareya
To help broken capillaries - nerol, lavender, sandalwood, cypress.
To prevent wrinkles - fennel, Nero, lavender, rose
For problem skin - tea tree, lemon, bergamot, juniper, lavender, cedar
When hyperpigmentation - basil, rose, lavender, lemon, mandarin
For treatment of cellulite - juniper, rose, sage sklareya, fennel, rosemary, dill
In fungi - lavender, patchouli, tea tree, thyme
For healing - carrot seed, Roman chamomile, lavender, tea tree
To strengthen the hair - juniper, lavender, rosemary, sage sklareya


Below are listed some of the possibilities of application of oils. For specific problems, consult aromatherapist.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - analgesic, antibacterial, expectorant, heating, digestion, detox, frost, poor circulation, varicose veins, immune booster, diarrhea, nausea, fainting travel, arthritis, bronchitis, impotence, regulate menstruation, boils
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) - antirheumatic, antiseptic, antiperspirant, diuretic, styptic, sadosvivashto, varicose veins, pyorrhoea, cellulitis, edema, asthma, bronchitis, damaged capillaries, hemorrhoids, frostbite, menorrhagia
Geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum) - tonic, anti-hypotonic, kravoprechistvashto, imunosimulant, lowers blood sugar, strengthens capillaries, depression, insomnia, itching, eczema, pneumonia, oily skin, fatigue, dermatoses
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) - soothing, analgesic, heating, aphrodisiac, carminative, physical fatigue, rheumatic and arthritic pain, flu, fever, colds, food poisoning, gas, gout, colic, loss of appetite, anorexia, facial neuralgia, toothache, zoster, muscle and joint pain
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) - a fresh citrus scent, antidepressant, antiseptic, balancing appetite (anorexia and ravenous hunger), bronchitis, acne, psoriasis, shingles, cystitis, abscess, eczema, stress
Pine (Pinus sylvestris) - fresh woody, refreshing, antiseptic, energizing, bronchitis, shortness of breath, fatigue, rash, sciatica, gall and kidney stones, gout, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, levkoreya, sinusitis, eczema.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) - "king" herb has analgesic, antispazmatichno and neuro-tonic action, constipation, nausea, asthma, muscle fatigue, smoking history of skin, pain, cold extremities
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - anti-inflammatory, expectorant, stimulant, varicose veins, women diseases, hemorrhoids, muscle pain, laryngitis, scars, rashes, dermatitis, cystitis
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) - smells like a rose, balancing, purifying, sadosvivashto; variable moods, fright neurosis, sickness, lymphatic stasis, cellulitis, colitis, PMS and menopause, shingles, acne, itching, tonsillitis
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) - refreshing, purifying, antidepressant, edema, migraine, gallstones, arthritis, rheumatism, colds, flu, stress events, dirty skin, thin hair, completeness, cellulite, lymphatic stagnation
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) - cutting, polishing, expectorant, diarrhea, gallstones, sprain, neuralgia, migraine, sinusitis, asthma, boils, cystitis, diabetes. First Aid runny nose, fever, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) - "flower of flowers" is an exotic intoxicating aroma, euphoric, afrozidiak, antidepressant, stress, hypertension, asthma, anemia, frigidity, insomnia, tachycardia, intestinal infections, hormonal balancer
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - antiviral, warming, stimulating, digestive, viral infections, pneumonia, spasms, hypotension, indigestion, bad breath, cough, colitis, nausea, palpitations
Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata) - analgesic, digestive, heating, karminativno, sore muscles, intestinal worms and parasites, toothache, colds, anthrax, poor circulation, weak immune system
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) - preservative, rescue, antifungal, arthritis, dermatitis, obesity, alopecia, psoriasis, lymphatic congestion, catarrh, cystitis, stress, rheumatism, acne, vaginal infections, fear

Distillation (Rose Otto Extraction Method)

Distillation is the process of separating a mixture of liquids the component parts by partial evaporation and condensation of vapors. Money liquefy when cooled. So the resulting liquid is called the distillate. Boiling liquids when their vapor pressure equals the external. For pure substances boiling temperature is characteristic quantity, which depends only on the external pressure.

Distillation at normal pressure

Distillation at normal pressure to make these substances when heated, do not undergo changes and have very high boiling point. This method is widely used in laboratory practice.

Distillation at reduced pressure

Where substances have a high boiling point or undergo chemical change at this temperature, decomposition or oxidation is applied distillation under reduced pressure. This method is known by the name vacuum distillation. The apparatus for this type of distillation is considerably more complex than the previous case.

Steam distillation

Steam distillation is possible when distilled component and water are mutually insoluble. As to the apparatus for this method, it does not differ much from that for distillation at ambient temperature. You only need to add a vessel for receiving steam which is passed through the heated mixture for distillation. How is this method? It is clear that the liquid begins to boil, when the total pressure is the sum of partial pressures of individual components and water vapor equals atmospheric pressure. According to the law of Dalton, the boiling temperature of the mixture will be lower than for each of the components taken separately.

He was also another type of distillation - fractional distillation. It is based on the different boiling temperatures of the components of the liquid. An example is the separation of gasoline ligrosin, kerosene and other oil during processing.

Destructive distillation

Destructive distillation is carried out by digestion of more complex compounds simpler. For example, in the dry distillation of coal for heating, and other wood in the absence of air is obtained solid residue and volatile products (benzene, ammonia, etc.).

1: Heat source

2: Still pot

3: Still head

4: Thermometer / Boiling point temperature

5: Condenser

6: Cooling water in

7: Cooling water out

8: Distillate / receiving flask

9: Vacuum / gas inlet

10: Still receiver

11: Heat control

12: Stirrer speed control

13: Stirrer / heat plate

14: Heating (Oil / sand) bath

15: Stirrer bar / anti-bumping granules

16: Cooling bath.

Kazanlak News

Kazanlak News
If you go in late May for the Festival of Roses in Kazanlak, may take a moment to think that becomes a mistake and you are in Japan. At this time there are more than 1500 Japanese tourists, a city in which they live less than 50 thousand people, that presence does not go unnoticed. To arrive at the festival and other tourists, among them Bulgarians, Russians and Western Europeans, but last year the Japanese were almost half of all visitors.
The first tourists Most Japanese tourists from the city of Fukuyama. Hristo Stoyanov by the Association for Friendship Kazanlak - Japan "explains that the great interest in Kazanlak began after the concert tour of the Folk Dance Ensemble" Pirin "- Blagoevgrad, in Fukuyama city in 1994, then Bulgarian dance away their hosts a large copper rose Promotional materials for the Rose Festival in Kazanlak.
Interest in the Japanese was not random. In Fukuyama Rose is a special tribute. The city has its own Festival of Roses in May, although oil rose will not grow due to climatic conditions of the island country.
In 1998, another ensemble - Arsenal - Kazanlak, visited the Japanese city of roses during his holidays, accompanied by a delegation from the town of Kazanlak. Two years later, around 120 people, including Bulgarian entrepreneurs, artists, craftsmen, historians, rozovadi and people from the city, setting up NGO Kazanlak - Japan. The Association acts as an intermediary, which attracts tourists, including dance ensembles, which continue to visit Japan.
Hristo Stoyanov said that Japanese businessman Shinichi Munemasa, owner of the company Sanix, working in the health and environmental services in Japan, funded annually visits ensemble Arsenal in Japan and its performances in Fukuoka city, close to Fukuyama.
Pink business days Residents of the island country have attracted most of the rituals and customs associated with picking and preparation of products rose. The Rose Festival is held annually the first weekend of June, states Vasil Belev by the "Bulgarian Rose, which together with the municipality of Kazanlak organize festivities during the three holidays.
During the festival has concerts with performers of Bulgarian folk dances are also very much like the Japanese, and discover the rose fields and picking. According to traders in Kazanlak, thanks to Japanese visitors jumped repeatedly to their speed, since the products of the rose, and especially the famous rose oil are bought mainly by Japanese. According to Stoyanov this is due to geographical remoteness of Japan, where the Bulgarian production more difficult to break the market.
Tourist attractions are not limited to, the Rose Festival. Foreign tourists come for 1-2 weeks and during that time visiting other places. The package of services that offer their tour is included and a tour of the Valley of the Kings. In the town of Kazanlak is also something to see - houses museums of famous Bulgarian artists and art galleries.
Since last year in the villages around Kazanlak open and about 15 guest houses, according to international standards for rural tourism. The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has helped three years of Bulgarian villages around Kazanlak to start your business with rural tourism, "said Kimi Nagoya, technical coordinator for projects in the organization. The aid consisted in training residents how to obtain licenses and to cope with the available resources.

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Where water burns?

Where water burns?

This mineral water is healthy for years to drink the local population. Have fun.



Let us know about a small country which knows very little in other countries.


Rose Festival 2011

Rose Festival 2011

June 3, 2011
16:00 Welcome and accommodation in Hotel Kazanlak in Kazanlak.17.30 Training in folk dances, the service of registered certificate of proficiency in Bulgarian folk dances of each participant.19:00 Gala Dinner.21:00 Inauguration of the Rose Festival *.Overnight.
June 4, 2011
7:00 Breakfast.08:00 Departure for the pink boxes.08:30 picking / welcome with bread and salt in old Bulgarian tradition, picking in the rose garden, examining contemporary and authentic rose, pink and testing of other essential oils to treat liquor Rosa, roses and sweet pastry with cheese, gift every tourist - Certified Bulgarian rose oil.11:30 Visit to the archaeological museum "Iskra" *.13.00 Lunch - BBQ with a rich program of all folk regions in Bulgaria.15:00 Visit to the Museum of the Rose *.15:30 Visit to the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak - copy *.17.30 Folklore review / presentation of traditional Bulgarian instruments and costumes from different folk regions of Bulgaria.20.00 dinner.Overnight.
June 5, 2011
7:30 Breakfast.09:30 Visit of First Private cosmetic factory "Tommy Show Cosmetics - familiarity with the production cycle, demonstration of production of the body gel of rose water, getting acquainted with the product line but the factory; opportunity to purchase products at cost prices.11:00 Visit to the Tomb Ostrasha "- original *.12.00 City Karnavlano procession .*13.00 Lunch.

Preliminary Program Rose Festival 2011

24.05.2011 / Tuesday / 18.30ch .- Park Rozarium "Discovering Music Festival
26.05.2011 / Thursday / 18.30ch - DK Arsenal - Competition "Mini Miss Rose"

27.05. 2011 / Friday / 19.00 - DK Arsenal - Competition 'Rose Queen'
28.05. 2011 / Saturday / 17.00 - Square Seuthopolis - National dance "Tapan beat you to dance"
30.05.2011 / Monday / DK Arsenal National trade fair and bazaar "Kazanlak Rose
31.05.2011 / Tuesday / 10.00. - Square Seuthopolis outdoor photo session
01.06.2011 / Wednesday /
10.00. - Park Rozarium "Children's Day - a concert drawing on asphalt 18.00. - Gallery of Arts "The Magic Flower" 19.00. - Square Seuthopolis Colour Party
02.06.2011g / Thursday /
17.00 - Street Iskra "- Opening of Crafts Street 18.30ch. - Square Seuthopolis Concert Kazanlak chitalishte Chambers 19.30h. - Square Seuthopolis Concert Party Episode " 20.00. - Square Seuthopolis festive fireworks-check on the Day of Botev
03.06.2011g / Friday / 10.00. - Square Seuthopolis Solemn ceremony
Raising the banner of Kazanlak 11.00. - DC Arsenal Ceremonial Session 15.00. - THEIR Iskra Wine Festival Rose - opening 17.00. - Square Seuthopolis concert of folk groups and international groups
"CHATEAU PSC - wine without money 21.00h. - Square Seuthopolis Concert-show "coronation of Queen Rose
Firework show concert Veselin Marinov


04.06.2011g / Saturday / 9.00 am. - MG N. Obreshkov "Exhibition of decorative animal bazaar 11.00. - DC Arsenal Cup "Rose" - a national contest in modern dance 11.00. - NS "Iskra" Children's Song Contest 14.30ch. - Park Rozarium "" Flowers in the water "- a demonstration of" ebru "
16.00 - Yoga practice combined with the magic of Bulgarian Rose Hotel Kazanlak Relaxing, energizing asanas and meditation with fragrance and products of Bulgarian rose.
18.00 .- HG Kazanlak 25 years group Kazanlak 85 "- photo exhibition 18.00. - Square Seuthopolis Concert Moldavian folk ensemble 18.30ch. - Square Seuthopolis Concert by musicians from the city of Fukuyama, Japan 18.30ch. - M Iskra Chamber Choir Concert Seuthopolis and choir Katifoliya - city of Grasse, France 19.00. - Square Seuthopolis "Miss Rose Valley" 20.00. - Square Seuthopolis concert of Bulgarian pop singers

05.06.2011g / Sunday / 09.00 UNIVERMAG parking behind the showroom for new cars 10.00. - Institute for Rose Rose-picking ritual and rose " 10.00. -Sq. Seuthopolis Concert majorette 12.00. -Sq. Seuthopolis carnival 13.00h. - Square Seuthopolis National joy

Attractions in Kazanlak

Attractions in Kazanlak
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak (end of IV and I half of III century BC.) Opened in 1944 and is one of the 9 cultural and historical sites in Bulgaria included in the UNESCO monuments with global significance. Is truly a masterpiece of the Thracian architecture and painting. Belongs to the domed tomb. Located in the northeastern suburbs of the city park Tyulbeto. It consists of an entrance, corridor and kraglokupolna burial chamber. The system of decoration in the hallway is an interesting and complex. The walls are plastered with fine shiny coat. Beautiful frieze with typical age plant scandent ornament around the upper end. War scenes are depicted as the center of each is highlighted with a pair of warriors, and from both sides come to others. And horsemen are depicted with their distinctive clothing and weapons. This story has a connection with military and political activities of the buried in the tomb. The main composition is the theme funeral feast. Central place in it takes great skill displayed by noble married couple. Spouses are seated and standing next to them is big right woman is alleged that the earth goddess Demeter and fertility. As additional elements to the scene represented other figures, horses and chariots galloping whirlwind.
The tomb was built in a special protective building and is equipped with air conditioning, providing conditions for preservation of the frescoes. Near the original was built copy of the tomb that is open to visitors every weekday from 8.00 to 18.00 Tel. Information - 0431 24700.
Another famous tomb is the Ring Dance, 3 km west of town Maglij (there is regular bus transport to Kazanlak). Dates from the III century BC. A total length of the bird is 23 m.
The historical museum "Iskra" (str "Iskra" № 15) was established in 1901 and is one of the oldest in the country, with over 70,000 exhibits. In 1930, director of the museum is the famous writer, artist and community center figure Dimitar Hristov Chorbadjiiski - Chudomir. Currently the museum has 5 sections. City Art Gallery (housed in the same building where the museum "Iskra") - one of the oldest and richest in the country, whereas Kazanlak is the birthplace of such artists as Dechko Uzunov, Nenko Balkanski, Ivan Milev , Chudomir and many others. The gallery has a collection of icons and Renaissance engravings and a small collection of works of decorative and applied arts. As affiliated to it are native house Prof. Nenko Balkanski and home house "Folk artist Dechko Uzunov with unique artwork. Literary and artistic museum Chudomir is governed art-documentary exhibition "Life and work of Chudomir and art gallery - an expression of appreciation to the all-around talent, creativity and public benefit work of Chudomir. Every year in Kazanlak Chudomir celebrations held on 25 March (birthday of the writer) by 1 April (Day of humor and jokes).
Museum of Rose (Rose oil is transferred at the end of XVIII century the Middle East and is the most favorable conditions in the valley of the river Tunja, prikatana between the Balkan and Central Montenegro, which became known as Rose Valley) was established in 1969 and is the sole not only in Bulgaria. Opening hours - daily from 8.30 am to 17.00 pm Each year at the end of the first week of June is held traditional Rose Festival - the most colorful event in the City of Roses.
Ethnographic Complex Tower is located in the oldest district of the same name Kazanlak. Street Svetopoli Prince Mirski "in two restored houses are covered ethnographic expositions - house by sub-Balkan type by the end of XIX century townhouse (Hadzhienov) from the middle of the XIX century with the respective interior lifestyle during that era.
Church St. John the Baptist is in 1844 In 1877 a large part of the frescoes were destroyed. Almost entirely painted in 1936 by Stefan Ivanov, Nikola Marinov and Dechko Uzunov. There are two medallions painted by Chudomir and Mara rich man. Church St. Trinity from 1834 Church St. Prophet Elijah "in 1866 In 1877 the Turks occurring with the army of Suleiman Pasha massacred in it about 200 Kazanlak, sought last refuge in the temple. In the courtyard of the bird are the bones of martyrs. Nunnery (1828) during the Russo-Turkish War was a hospital for wounded Russian soldiers and Bulgarian volunteers. In his yard are buried many of them.

Rose Valley

Rose Valley

Rose Valley as a geographical definition means the lands of sub-Balkan flights between the Balkan and Middle forest. Brought from India via Persia, Syria and Turkey, rose oil is here all the favorable conditions for flourishing - the right temperature, high humidity and light sandy cinnamon-forest soil. In XVII century Bulgaria has established itself as one of the main producers of oil rose. Bulgarian rose oil has won gold medals at expositions in Paris, London, Philadelphia, Antwerp, Milan.
The extraction of Bulgarian rose oil is accompanied by old cultural traditions. Picking is done manually, and picking begins very early in the morning and continuing later than noon. The color should be fresh and not be totally blown. This is necessary to maintain maximum flavor and moisture him and be retrieved later during the distillation.
For 1 kg of rose oil is needed from 3000 to 3500 kg. Pink. For 1 vial (unit introduced by the Arabs, 5 d) rose oil are needed by 7000 to 15,000 pink colors. In the Valley of Roses each year in the first days of June is observed as the Day of the Rose - especially opulent, beautiful, individual spirit of each town in the valley.
In the town of Kazanlak, considered the capital of Rose Valley, was built Ethnographic Complex Tower, where tourists can watch primitive rose and taste the products of oil rose.

The first information about Rose meet in the ancient Indian traditions, telling of fans enjoyed the rose - there was even a law - everyone who brought the ruler of the country rose, you can ask for whatever he wants. With roses adorned the king's chambers, it paid taxes ...
For her appearance in the traditions of the world says nothing, only in Indian myth says that the most beautiful woman in the world Lakshmi was born from Pink, consisting of 108 large and 1608 small rose petals. Vishnu, guardian of the universe, seeing the stunning beauty in her pink swing, woke her with a kiss and then became his wife. From that moment became Lakshmi goddess of beauty and hide it rosebud - a symbol of divine secret of all Eastern nations become sacred.

In one of the legends of the Cross of the Savior speak of mossy rose. Blood of Christ crucified is flowing on the cross. Angels gathered it in golden cups. But still a few drops landed on the green moss that to keep them from desecration, hastened to absorb them into itself. Of them grew up and a great mossy rose, whose bright scarlet should remind us forever to shed blood for our sins.
In the words of Persian poets, it was a gift from God himself. Once it appeared in all plants with a request to give them a new manager rather somnolent lotus (Nile water lily). Lotus was a wonderful night but forgot about their obligations to the ruler. And then God graciously gave new manager of the plant - white virgin rose with its sharp spikes for protection.
The new queen in love Nightingale and tried it pressed to his chest. But sharp spikes immediately stuck in his heart, and bright red blood gushed from the heart of the lovelorn. Therefore, says the Persian tradition, and yet many of the external leaves of the rose pink tinge store ...
Reverence and love of the Persians and Turks adopted, might even say all Muslims, which the Koran believe that the white rose was raised by the drops of sweat on his night Mohammed ascension into heaven. So ascribe purifying force and no Turk would ever allow to occur rose. Perhaps that is why such a purifying effect is attributed and rose water. Sultan Saladin, when he robbed Christians Bears Omar in 1189 did not set foot in it before you wash her whole floor, walls and even the rock on which was built with rose water. How rose water was needed, judge for yourself, as it is transported by 500 camels. Similarly, Mohammed II and received the church of St. Sophia once conquered Constantinople in 1453 before becoming this magnificent temple into a mosque, ordered him to be washed from top to bottom with rose water.
BY NAME Rose, Rosalia
This is the Latin name of the rose, it became a female name.
As temperament is holerichka, able to hide their feelings behind a mask of imperturbability. With a strong, sometimes despotic will, synthetic type mind, good memory, imagination. Its speed of response is high, and excitability - strong. It is often irritable and nervous. After a stormy emotional outburst might slip into a long depression. Rose knows how to defend itself. Very active in public life. Sometimes impresses idler, but in reality is very purposeful and decisive in their actions. Priority will be entirely your work. Appropriate for their chosen profession. Talented and industrious Rose often achieves success in life. It seems to be woven from controversy: is both principled and frivolous, hack and accommodating, loves to be at the center of events and usamotyava to be closed in themselves. This probably is due to its characteristic ability to mimicking. When adapting to circumstances, it is so vzhivyava in this role that starts to live with it. Rose is not envious, enjoys foreign victories. But do not forgive Decency, falsehood and deception, able to revenge. When you achieve success, it is only realized as a person. May be evidenced in professional journalism, painting of the actor career in linguistics, marketing, system catering services. Her marriage has always been successful. It is notable, accurate, caring mother. Rose lived a full life without being confined to the domestic and professional interests. Fascinating is the sex appearance and deeply hidden passion. He likes physically strong, but balanced men with a calm nature, can be more easily defeated them, preferably younger. Cheating on her husband and does not consider this to be reprehensible, but it cleverly hidden. Her lovers also have a hunch that she is married. Even the respectable age of generating interest in men.

Symbolism of ROSES
Flowers say more than themselves dare. A beautiful bouquet can change the atmosphere in a room and cause positive emotions, but along with that brings words unspoken message. Flowers often say more than what they themselves dare not say. For centuries they have different symbols, which many times has changed, but some other common messages. The language of flowers was most popular during the Victorian era, when they fought the so-called "color" flirts - by messages with different flowers. One of the most popular flowers - roses, depending ottsveta you can express different feelings. - The red rose is preserved symbol of love, it is served only when we want to say "I love you" in any other case. It matters whether it presents a fully blooming flower, or even undiluted color. Bud of the red rose also means strong feelings, but must be kept secret. - White Rose symbolizes loyalty and incorruptibility, it says "trust me" - Yellow, which often is considered the message of hate actually talking about friendship. Gently open yellow rose asks "Do you love me more" and the importance of completely dissolved yellow is "Please come back." - Pink rose is a symbol of bliss and enjoyment, but also brings the message of love and mystery recognizes "My heart belongs to you. Half-open pink says that love is istinska.A full-blown, color it says "Believe in what you say and do." - The combination of red and white roses mean "close forever." Perhaps hence the symbolism in the funeral ceremonies, when the leaves the color of these roses are a mess around the grave of the deceased and thus send the message that this person will remain in our hearts forever. Importance and number of roses that are served. A flower carries the message of love, 12 roses express gratitude and respect, 25 of congratulations be sent and classic bouquet of 100 roses or 50 bears the symbol of eternal love. Besides the importance of flowers, messages may be made and the actual color of the bouquet. The colors are not only aesthetic, but they can soothe or stimulate, increase mood: - Red stimulating work and should be taken, and purple calming effect and relaxes tension. - Yellow, which is associated with the sun, improves mood, joy and warmth, it is the color of communication, activity and openness. - Orange is the color of optimism. - Green is sometimes overlooked and can be seen only as decoration in bouquets, but not so - this color is associated with nature and with a sense of calm. - Blue is the color of peace. - Rose gives a sense of joy. - White means full transparency, but if it presents a bouquet of white flowers should be kept in mind that in some countries in Asia that is sable in color. As an example of a message with a bunch if we are to serve confidence, solidarity and activism must choose flowers in red and yellow. This is the appropriate combination, if Serve bunch of man, although according to European tag bunch of men are not generally presents with a few exceptions.