News Bulgarian rose oil

Creators of some of the most famous perfumes in the world are at home to check what personal quality of Bulgarian rose oil this year.
Specialists fragrances from France for years come to Bulgaria to sniff the spot scent of rose oil and negotiate quantities purchased. For them, it is preferable to other oils because it has qualities that have no competition.
"If we compare the Turkish and Bulgarian rose oil. You can say that Turkish is complete as a woman with magnificent forms. While the aroma of Bulgarian oil is fine, slender and permanent, so is preferred by us," said Terry perfumer Vaser .
In recent years parfyumiristite difficulties because of EU requirements for quality of ingredients in products. In their view, these requirements are excessive and difficult as their work, and producers of oil.
"Making nice paryum like to draw a nice picture, only instead of paint, with flavors. To create, you need more freedom and fewer regulations and restrictions," said Vaser.
According to French experts, no war between the manufacturers of perfumes with natural ingredients and those who use chemical products.
"In our company we prefer natural ingredients because a lot of perfumes do more recipes from 150 years ago, but no problem with the chemical ingredients in perfumes. The important thing is the mix to get perfume that can delight and pleasant emotions of people. We do not lead the fashion. We're the ones who create the fashion, "said Terry Vaser.
In some French perfume is mainly used Bulgarian rose oil, while in others it is only used as a complementary fragrance notes. Experts are not hired to predict which flavor would be the most popopulyaren this year, though expect to go out of fashion more fruity notes in perfumes. Surely, however, gave them perfume as a sign of good taste.
"We give perfume is very personal and of course there is always something selfish, because when you give away perfume, we choose the flavor that we like for us to allow our closest smell as we like," said another perfumer Gerard Anthony.
In the perfume can be recognized and what kind of person are adamant Frenchmen.
"If the flavor is strong and tangible, it means that man is energetic and beun nature, while the closed people prefer discreet and mysterious fragrance," explained Anthony.

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