Attractions in Kazanlak

Attractions in Kazanlak
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak (end of IV and I half of III century BC.) Opened in 1944 and is one of the 9 cultural and historical sites in Bulgaria included in the UNESCO monuments with global significance. Is truly a masterpiece of the Thracian architecture and painting. Belongs to the domed tomb. Located in the northeastern suburbs of the city park Tyulbeto. It consists of an entrance, corridor and kraglokupolna burial chamber. The system of decoration in the hallway is an interesting and complex. The walls are plastered with fine shiny coat. Beautiful frieze with typical age plant scandent ornament around the upper end. War scenes are depicted as the center of each is highlighted with a pair of warriors, and from both sides come to others. And horsemen are depicted with their distinctive clothing and weapons. This story has a connection with military and political activities of the buried in the tomb. The main composition is the theme funeral feast. Central place in it takes great skill displayed by noble married couple. Spouses are seated and standing next to them is big right woman is alleged that the earth goddess Demeter and fertility. As additional elements to the scene represented other figures, horses and chariots galloping whirlwind.
The tomb was built in a special protective building and is equipped with air conditioning, providing conditions for preservation of the frescoes. Near the original was built copy of the tomb that is open to visitors every weekday from 8.00 to 18.00 Tel. Information - 0431 24700.
Another famous tomb is the Ring Dance, 3 km west of town Maglij (there is regular bus transport to Kazanlak). Dates from the III century BC. A total length of the bird is 23 m.
The historical museum "Iskra" (str "Iskra" № 15) was established in 1901 and is one of the oldest in the country, with over 70,000 exhibits. In 1930, director of the museum is the famous writer, artist and community center figure Dimitar Hristov Chorbadjiiski - Chudomir. Currently the museum has 5 sections. City Art Gallery (housed in the same building where the museum "Iskra") - one of the oldest and richest in the country, whereas Kazanlak is the birthplace of such artists as Dechko Uzunov, Nenko Balkanski, Ivan Milev , Chudomir and many others. The gallery has a collection of icons and Renaissance engravings and a small collection of works of decorative and applied arts. As affiliated to it are native house Prof. Nenko Balkanski and home house "Folk artist Dechko Uzunov with unique artwork. Literary and artistic museum Chudomir is governed art-documentary exhibition "Life and work of Chudomir and art gallery - an expression of appreciation to the all-around talent, creativity and public benefit work of Chudomir. Every year in Kazanlak Chudomir celebrations held on 25 March (birthday of the writer) by 1 April (Day of humor and jokes).
Museum of Rose (Rose oil is transferred at the end of XVIII century the Middle East and is the most favorable conditions in the valley of the river Tunja, prikatana between the Balkan and Central Montenegro, which became known as Rose Valley) was established in 1969 and is the sole not only in Bulgaria. Opening hours - daily from 8.30 am to 17.00 pm Each year at the end of the first week of June is held traditional Rose Festival - the most colorful event in the City of Roses.
Ethnographic Complex Tower is located in the oldest district of the same name Kazanlak. Street Svetopoli Prince Mirski "in two restored houses are covered ethnographic expositions - house by sub-Balkan type by the end of XIX century townhouse (Hadzhienov) from the middle of the XIX century with the respective interior lifestyle during that era.
Church St. John the Baptist is in 1844 In 1877 a large part of the frescoes were destroyed. Almost entirely painted in 1936 by Stefan Ivanov, Nikola Marinov and Dechko Uzunov. There are two medallions painted by Chudomir and Mara rich man. Church St. Trinity from 1834 Church St. Prophet Elijah "in 1866 In 1877 the Turks occurring with the army of Suleiman Pasha massacred in it about 200 Kazanlak, sought last refuge in the temple. In the courtyard of the bird are the bones of martyrs. Nunnery (1828) during the Russo-Turkish War was a hospital for wounded Russian soldiers and Bulgarian volunteers. In his yard are buried many of them.

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