
BACKGROUND. For thousands of years massage or touch hands are used to treat or alleviate the patient. The oldest written records of massage have been found in Egypt. In the papyrus of Ebers (5000 BC) massage has been identified as one means to treat and eliminate pain. In VI century in China was established the first university medical school in the world and one of the subjects taught was the massage. For the ancient Greek and Roman physicians massage was also one of the main means of treatment. The famous Roman naturalist Pliny was rubbing on a regular basis to relieve his asthma, and epilepsy Julius Caesar had made daily whole body massage. In the Middle Ages massage is little known in Europe but in the 16th century, its application is resumed, thanks to a French doctor Ambroise burning. In the early 19th century Swedish physician Henrik Ling developed the first modern massage, known today as "Swedish massage" - a combination of Chinese, Egyptian, Greek and Roman massage techniques. In 1813 in Stockholm opened its first establishment in which massage is included as a separate discipline, then begins to be applied in different hospitals across the continent. Today, the therapeutic value of massage has been recognized again and it applies widely across the world.

IMPACT. Massage has a good effect on physical and mental condition of the body. Improves blood circulation, limfotoka and nutrition of skin cells. It relaxes and tones muscles, helps eliminate toxins and accumulated body fat. Massage well affect the flexibility of joints and internal organs. It keeps the skin supple and is essential for good appearance by slowing the formation of wrinkles, graying hair, the granting of the muscles, etc.. This is a relaxing therapy that strengthens the immune system, increases the overall level of energy in the body and act prophylactically in many diseases. Massage stimulates the ability to concentrate and positive thinking. It is a wonderful and pleasant way to combat depression, stress and melancholy. Tension and pain, it creates an unforgettable feeling of cheerfulness and ease.

Massages. The world have known for more than 100 types of massage therapies. Among the most popular in Bulgaria are classic massage, shiatsu, massage Saionji, reflexology, aromatherapy massage.

Classical massage (also known as the Swedish massage) includes long caress movements, shock, friction, kneading, tapping and more. It is effective for most problems, since as processing the largest human organ - skin, triggers a chain reaction that has a positive effect on all systems - nerves, muscles, glands and circulation. Suitable for stress and nervous tension, muscle and joint pain, back pain, tired legs, mental fatigue, circulation sluggishly and many others.

Shiatsu is the Japanese millennial system to redress the balance of vital energy in the meridians, which consists in exerting pressure on biologically active points using fingers, arms, hands, elbows, knees and sometimes feet. Suitable for many problems - indigestion, menstrual pain, sciatica, back pain, back, upper and lower limbs, regulates the energy of the liver, soothes the mind and emotions and others.

In Reflexology use special techniques for massaging small areas on the feet and hands. At each step allege 35,000 nerve endings. As each body part has a corresponding reflex point on the leg by handling it, we stimulate the flow of energy in the body. Thus affects the whole body. Convenient technique samomasazh.

In Aromatherapy massages with over 40 kinds of essential oils dissolved in oils of coconut, sesame, cocoa, shea, jojoba, avocado, almond, etc.. Will enjoy the pleasure long after its completion. Scents reduce stress and tension, refresh and strengthen your body, soothe emotions affect your mood, rejuvenate. Selected by the aroma oils are absorbed through the skin and cause physiological changes. For more information see aromatherapy.

MASSAGE of honey is an ancient remedy for cleansing the human body. Through the influence of the tissues in the depth of them through the pores of the skin are extracted the accumulated waste products for years. Implemented only on the back, honey massage has a strong tonic and imunoukrepvashto by restoring the natural ability of body to samoosvobozhdava of poisons. It is especially useful in multiple diseases typical of civilization, the reason for that is the accumulation of toxins. Such as the diseases affecting the cardiovascular, nervous, immune, reproductive system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin and others. Has an effect on allergies, depression, insomnia, anorexia, ulcers, migraines, rheumatism, anemia, blemished skin, open wounds, burns and others. Healing power of honey is known four thousand years ago. It contains vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and enzymes for digestion lose some of its qualities, but is fully absorbed in direct rubbing. Not applicable for allergies to honey.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Massages are not made in the following cases: fever, acute infectious diseases, suppurative processes in the body, flu, tonsillitis, enlarged lymph nodes, cancer, tuberculosis, bleeding and bleeding, mental agitation, severe fatigue and exhaustion.

100% natural therapies. All treatments are carried out with 100% natural products - honey, vegetable and essential oils makes them suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Oils do not contain preservatives, coloring agents, perfumes, emulsifiers and other synthetic ingredients. Vegetable oils used for massage are:

Jojoba - a desert plant, a liquid wax, mimicking collagen, rich in vitamins for soft, smooth and hydrated skin, protects against environmental influences, SPF, eczema, sores, spots, psoriasis, burns, wrinkles and allergies.

Sesame - derived toxins, retain moisture for aging and dry skin, eczema, sun protection factor, mainly oil in Ayurveda.

Soy - light oil suitable for dry, dirty and dehydrated, makes the skin supple, antioxidant, wrinkles, regenerating effect pigmentation.

Saflorovo - contains rare forms of vitamin F, a high humectant capacity for supple skin without wrinkles, soothes and softens.

Coconut - wounds and inflammation makes the skin velvet deleted small wrinkles and nourish skin, sun protection factor.

Grape seed - light oil suitable for oily skin, improves skin elasticity, antioxidant, tightens pores without being closed.

Almond - is beneficial to metabolism, contains many vitamins and minerals, nourishes the skin and hair, suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Olive - prevents aging and dry skin and formation of wrinkles, wounds, itchy, irritated skin.

Shea / Shea / - hydrates, protects from environmental protection and sun divine oil for softening, smoothing the skin, improves microcirculation in the skin, wounds, scars, renewal of cells.

Avocado - restore lipid balance of the skin and helps in the synthesis of collagen links softens, moisturizes the skin, vitamin cocktail, cellulite.

Wheat Germ - one of the fatty oil, very good for very dry skin, improves metabolism and alleviates the process of disposal of harmful substances from the body and skin, protects cells from toxic free radicals.

Macadamia - rich and nutritious, makes skin silky soft. Very useful for mature and aging skin. Has a protective function. Not greasy, easily absorbed into the skin, known as "disappearing" oil.

Hazelnut oil - rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Absorbs quickly, nourishes and softens all skin types, tones and tightens the skin and capillaries, restores elasticity, renews cells. Suitable for oily and combination skin, acne, stretch marks.

All massages are conducted against a background of relaxing natural sounds fascinating chants from India and Tibet and fabulous tunes from around the world.


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