Rose Valley

Rose Valley

Rose Valley as a geographical definition means the lands of sub-Balkan flights between the Balkan and Middle forest. Brought from India via Persia, Syria and Turkey, rose oil is here all the favorable conditions for flourishing - the right temperature, high humidity and light sandy cinnamon-forest soil. In XVII century Bulgaria has established itself as one of the main producers of oil rose. Bulgarian rose oil has won gold medals at expositions in Paris, London, Philadelphia, Antwerp, Milan.
The extraction of Bulgarian rose oil is accompanied by old cultural traditions. Picking is done manually, and picking begins very early in the morning and continuing later than noon. The color should be fresh and not be totally blown. This is necessary to maintain maximum flavor and moisture him and be retrieved later during the distillation.
For 1 kg of rose oil is needed from 3000 to 3500 kg. Pink. For 1 vial (unit introduced by the Arabs, 5 d) rose oil are needed by 7000 to 15,000 pink colors. In the Valley of Roses each year in the first days of June is observed as the Day of the Rose - especially opulent, beautiful, individual spirit of each town in the valley.
In the town of Kazanlak, considered the capital of Rose Valley, was built Ethnographic Complex Tower, where tourists can watch primitive rose and taste the products of oil rose.

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