Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings
Less than a hundred are podmogilni Thracian masonry buildings in Bulgaria, which are usually called grobnitsi.Povecheto they found ruined or subsequently unishtozheni.13 those buildings were built in the Kazanlak kotlovina.Broyat them to 15 if you add two that do not so monumental, but have a high scientific stoynost.Sasredotocheni in a limited geographical area, they are much more than elsewhere in Balgariya.Tova, together with the fact that only a dozen kilometers from Kazanlak fifty years ago was discovered and studied only Thracian city Seuthopolis Capital in the late fourth and early of Seuthes III, is under the Kazanlak Valley to obtain the name Valley of Thracian Kings.
The first major discovery in the Valley, which then still was called "the kings", was made on 19 April 1944g.Pri digging trenches in the mound near Kazanlak soldiers come to the entrance to a postroyka.V twilight of darkness torn newspapers they found themselves in unfamiliar inhabited by ghosts svyat.Ot walls stare at them for men and women dressed in bizarre drehi.Skoro became clear that it is only recently discovered tomb with frescoes from the end of IVc. etc. Hr.Koridorat is kamani.Stenite the two rooms (rectangular and circular) are of brick and covered with images of fighting wars, ruler with his wife around laden with food table attendants bearing gifts, horse whip and chariot racing wildly buggy.
Fifteen years later at the bottom of today Koprinka Dam began to outline the contours of a well-fortified Thracian city palace, intersecting streets at right angles, identical houses with large plate with letters dvorove.Mramorna amazes head of excavations prof.Dimitrov . From her he learned and reported the scientist world that it has a temple of the Great Gods samotrakiyski that the slab is a contract between Seuthopolis another Thracian town of Kabyle, which is known to be near Yambol village of the same name.
During excavations at the bottom of future dam were discovered and destroyed two domed tombs tuhli.Zapochva make clear that the Thracians were among the first ancient peoples used the bricks for construction purposes.
In 1965 Kazanlak region attracted the attention of the renowned Italian geophysicists Foundation Lerichi, which measure the resistance of the embankments in several mogili.Za two of them, they predict the existence of massive sgradi.Arheolozite Gergana Tabakova-Tsanova and Ludmil Getov opening of two buildings from stone and brick, which they identify as grobnitsi.Tazi Maglij end is a long corridor and several pomeshteniya.Tuk and there on its walls are preserved frescoes, fragments of others have fallen by podovete.Spasenite and partially restored can be seen in Kazanlak museum Iskra. "painted on them are plant decorations, clay amphorae, galloping kolesnitsi.Vtorata Thracian tomb near the village of Kran has found a half-destroyed and remained, unfortunately, nedoprouchena.Ustanoveno is that its walls are covered with horizontal layers, colored tsvetove.Tochno different 30 years later, our team found a similar but fully and very well preserved temple, decorated in the same way.

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