Symbol of Bulgaria

For many foreigners rose is a symbol of Bulgaria. Home of oil rose is actually a Southwest Asia where it is grown principally as an ornamental plant. The cultivation of roses for industrial use began as early as the ninth century in India and Egypt. For the first time rose oil is obtained by double distillation in the 16 century. During the 18th century oil rose was brought to Bulgaria in Turkey and cultivation began in the region of Kazanlak. Kazanlak rose 

called. rosa damascena is a perennial bushy plant that reaches a height of 1.50 m. The rose plants begin to flower two years after planting and flowering lasted 20-30 days. Rose oil is extracted from the pink color. They should be picked early in the morning (between 5 and 9 hours) before the dew has evaporated, then because of them extracted the greatest quantity of oil. Colors must be processed immediately. Mix with water in 1:4 ratio and heated in a distillation chamber. The process of distillation is carried out 2 times. To obtain 1 liter of rose oil are needed from 3 to 3.5 tons of red or white flowers 5-6 tons. That is why the world markets rose oil is more expensive than gold. However, it is one of the most popular goods, as main raw material for production of high quality perfumes and medicines. In Bulgaria the rose oil is stored in the vaults of the National Bank. Sub-Balkan mountain valley, cuddled between the Balkan Mountains to the north and south of the Central forest, which offers favorable conditions for the cultivation of rose oil is one of the largest rose gardens not only in Bulgaria but in the world.

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