The first information about Rose meet in the ancient Indian traditions, telling of fans enjoyed the rose - there was even a law - everyone who brought the ruler of the country rose, you can ask for whatever he wants. With roses adorned the king's chambers, it paid taxes ...
For her appearance in the traditions of the world says nothing, only in Indian myth says that the most beautiful woman in the world Lakshmi was born from Pink, consisting of 108 large and 1608 small rose petals. Vishnu, guardian of the universe, seeing the stunning beauty in her pink swing, woke her with a kiss and then became his wife. From that moment became Lakshmi goddess of beauty and hide it rosebud - a symbol of divine secret of all Eastern nations become sacred.

In one of the legends of the Cross of the Savior speak of mossy rose. Blood of Christ crucified is flowing on the cross. Angels gathered it in golden cups. But still a few drops landed on the green moss that to keep them from desecration, hastened to absorb them into itself. Of them grew up and a great mossy rose, whose bright scarlet should remind us forever to shed blood for our sins.
In the words of Persian poets, it was a gift from God himself. Once it appeared in all plants with a request to give them a new manager rather somnolent lotus (Nile water lily). Lotus was a wonderful night but forgot about their obligations to the ruler. And then God graciously gave new manager of the plant - white virgin rose with its sharp spikes for protection.
The new queen in love Nightingale and tried it pressed to his chest. But sharp spikes immediately stuck in his heart, and bright red blood gushed from the heart of the lovelorn. Therefore, says the Persian tradition, and yet many of the external leaves of the rose pink tinge store ...
Reverence and love of the Persians and Turks adopted, might even say all Muslims, which the Koran believe that the white rose was raised by the drops of sweat on his night Mohammed ascension into heaven. So ascribe purifying force and no Turk would ever allow to occur rose. Perhaps that is why such a purifying effect is attributed and rose water. Sultan Saladin, when he robbed Christians Bears Omar in 1189 did not set foot in it before you wash her whole floor, walls and even the rock on which was built with rose water. How rose water was needed, judge for yourself, as it is transported by 500 camels. Similarly, Mohammed II and received the church of St. Sophia once conquered Constantinople in 1453 before becoming this magnificent temple into a mosque, ordered him to be washed from top to bottom with rose water.
BY NAME Rose, Rosalia
This is the Latin name of the rose, it became a female name.
As temperament is holerichka, able to hide their feelings behind a mask of imperturbability. With a strong, sometimes despotic will, synthetic type mind, good memory, imagination. Its speed of response is high, and excitability - strong. It is often irritable and nervous. After a stormy emotional outburst might slip into a long depression. Rose knows how to defend itself. Very active in public life. Sometimes impresses idler, but in reality is very purposeful and decisive in their actions. Priority will be entirely your work. Appropriate for their chosen profession. Talented and industrious Rose often achieves success in life. It seems to be woven from controversy: is both principled and frivolous, hack and accommodating, loves to be at the center of events and usamotyava to be closed in themselves. This probably is due to its characteristic ability to mimicking. When adapting to circumstances, it is so vzhivyava in this role that starts to live with it. Rose is not envious, enjoys foreign victories. But do not forgive Decency, falsehood and deception, able to revenge. When you achieve success, it is only realized as a person. May be evidenced in professional journalism, painting of the actor career in linguistics, marketing, system catering services. Her marriage has always been successful. It is notable, accurate, caring mother. Rose lived a full life without being confined to the domestic and professional interests. Fascinating is the sex appearance and deeply hidden passion. He likes physically strong, but balanced men with a calm nature, can be more easily defeated them, preferably younger. Cheating on her husband and does not consider this to be reprehensible, but it cleverly hidden. Her lovers also have a hunch that she is married. Even the respectable age of generating interest in men.

Symbolism of ROSES
Flowers say more than themselves dare. A beautiful bouquet can change the atmosphere in a room and cause positive emotions, but along with that brings words unspoken message. Flowers often say more than what they themselves dare not say. For centuries they have different symbols, which many times has changed, but some other common messages. The language of flowers was most popular during the Victorian era, when they fought the so-called "color" flirts - by messages with different flowers. One of the most popular flowers - roses, depending ottsveta you can express different feelings. - The red rose is preserved symbol of love, it is served only when we want to say "I love you" in any other case. It matters whether it presents a fully blooming flower, or even undiluted color. Bud of the red rose also means strong feelings, but must be kept secret. - White Rose symbolizes loyalty and incorruptibility, it says "trust me" - Yellow, which often is considered the message of hate actually talking about friendship. Gently open yellow rose asks "Do you love me more" and the importance of completely dissolved yellow is "Please come back." - Pink rose is a symbol of bliss and enjoyment, but also brings the message of love and mystery recognizes "My heart belongs to you. Half-open pink says that love is istinska.A full-blown, color it says "Believe in what you say and do." - The combination of red and white roses mean "close forever." Perhaps hence the symbolism in the funeral ceremonies, when the leaves the color of these roses are a mess around the grave of the deceased and thus send the message that this person will remain in our hearts forever. Importance and number of roses that are served. A flower carries the message of love, 12 roses express gratitude and respect, 25 of congratulations be sent and classic bouquet of 100 roses or 50 bears the symbol of eternal love. Besides the importance of flowers, messages may be made and the actual color of the bouquet. The colors are not only aesthetic, but they can soothe or stimulate, increase mood: - Red stimulating work and should be taken, and purple calming effect and relaxes tension. - Yellow, which is associated with the sun, improves mood, joy and warmth, it is the color of communication, activity and openness. - Orange is the color of optimism. - Green is sometimes overlooked and can be seen only as decoration in bouquets, but not so - this color is associated with nature and with a sense of calm. - Blue is the color of peace. - Rose gives a sense of joy. - White means full transparency, but if it presents a bouquet of white flowers should be kept in mind that in some countries in Asia that is sable in color. As an example of a message with a bunch if we are to serve confidence, solidarity and activism must choose flowers in red and yellow. This is the appropriate combination, if Serve bunch of man, although according to European tag bunch of men are not generally presents with a few exceptions. 

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