Rose Otto Extraction Method

Rose Otto Extraction Method
Bulgaria has a 330 year-old-tradition in Rose essential oil steam distillation (not solvent extracted) and is 100% pure. Absolutely no carrier oils are added!
Only pure steam distillation leaves the oil in its natural state. This pure rose otto contains the essence of the precious and beautiful rosa damascena flowers cultured in the Valley of the Roses in Bulgaria. This perfect location and climate, with gentle sunshine, ensures minimum release of the aromatic ingredients from the flower. 

The wax film on the rosa damascena remains thin because the plant does not need to strive to protect itself from strong solar radiation… as do roses in other countries. This explains the smaller content of stearoptenes (waxes and solids) in the Bulgarian rose oil. Through steam distillation the scented oil globules are gently separated from the pink petals, leaving the fragrance, purity and vibration of the essential oil intact and uncompromised.

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